Sunday, October 28, 2007

UW-Madison Readings Blog v. 2.0

Above: Various examples of telephones as evidence that technology does, in fact, evolve. Right now, this blog is somehwere between cans+twine and the rotary phone, but we're getting there.

Just a note to let everybody (the thousands upon thousands of visitors who check in with this blog) know that there are a couple of new features in the sidebar to the right. First, you can now sign up to recieve email updates. Every time we post a new reading or event here on the blog, you'll get an email notification. You'll always be in the know about UW-Madison readings and literary events. Isn't that rad? Why, yes. Yes it is.

Also, if you're all technological and stuff, you an subscribe to our RSS feed as well. See the little widget logo thingy over there? Apparently, you can click that and it'll let you do the subscription thing or whatever. I honestly have no idea how that works, but never let it be said that we don't work hard to increase our functionality here at

Okay. That is all.

End of transmission.

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